We are teachers and students of the undergraduate course 'Understanding China through Cultural Landscape' at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
The development of the website is initiated by Professor Jiang Xu, the course teacher since 2008, and funded by the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for the 2016-19 Triennium at CUHK (Project code: 4170559).
Developed as an online companion to our course, this website introduces China's cultural heritage from the perspective of cultural geography. It also serves as a platform for students at CUHK to promote China's cultural heritage globally.
Cultural geography examines how people use space and develop it into places reflecting their culture – a process known as the formation of cultural landscape. In this process, individuals, groups, civilizations and their culture interact with the surrounding environment and specific political and economic systems (which are themselves shaped by culture), leaving behind various traces of culture across space.
To viewers of our website, we seek to